Experience magical moments with our animals by joining our Daily Feeding Encounters! 

From just £1.50 per pot , feed some of our most popular residents and create unforgettable memories.

Meerkat Feeding

Get closer than ever to our cheeky meerkats during their daily 3pm talk!
Head down to Meerkat Mayhem, located in African Village and purchase a pot of mealworms for £1.50 and watch as they scurry up for a tasty treat.


Pots are subject to availability.

Penguin Feeding

Waddle over to our Penguin Cove and get the chance to feed our adorable Humboldt penguins!
During the daily talks at 12:30 and 14:30, you can purchase a pot of sprats for £1.50 and watch as these playful birds enjoy their snack.


Pots are subject to availability.

Lorikeet Feeding

Step inside our Lorikeet Landing for an unforgettable encounter!
Buy a pot of nectar for £1.50, and watch as vibrant lorikeets swoop down to feed right from your hand - or even perch on your shoulder or head!
Lorikeet Landing is closed between 13:00-14:00 every day.


Pots are subject to availability.

Coming Soon...

We have an exciting NEW feeding experience coming soon, available to all guests visiting!



Please Don’t Feed Animals on the Safari Drive

To help keep our animals safe and healthy, we kindly ask that you do not feed any animals from your car on the Safari Drive. Food brought from home can be harmful to them.